Picture and video sharing has become a necessary activity at least once daily. Not only to share information but also to share experiences and add people to our happy moments. Above all, these videos and images have become a powerful tool for businesses. Considering the rising trend of video consumption, the time has come to use this for your benefit. And guess what, businesses capitalize on this opportunity the right way.
More than 52% of internet users daily send videos to each other. Other than that, an uncountable number of videos are daily uploaded on YouTube with the user’s attention hooked to the screens. Imagine the impact of these videos when they are in the language of the audience. Hence, with video translation services, businesses get more benefits and they sound native to their target audiences.
There is a lot more to video translation than what we said above. So let’s talk about that along with how it can transform the outlook of your business.
Video Translation
Simply speaking, video translation is the translation of videos from one language to another for the understanding of targeted audiences. Of course, there is a language difference because of which translation is made a part of videos. But guess what, this process which looks simple enough is so much more than just the conversion of some spoken words into another language.
It is also about making sure that the translated words match the visuals on the screen. And the most important part is to make sure that the translation resonates with the language as well as the culture of the target audience. The task of transcription in video translation is the most important task. The transcripters are supposed to make sure that every word and nuance relates to the spoken words.
These videos aren’t just composed of spoken words but also contain sounds that are important for setting the tone of the videos. It is the job of the video translator to ensure the relation of words with those sounds so that the video isn’t just a translation of some words for the viewers.
Video Translation and Businesses
Businesses are always in search of some strategy to capture the interest and attention of their audiences. This attention results in the generation of more and more revenue in the long run. Businesses create ads to showcase what their brand stands for as well as to put their business in the market.
For instance, you own a clothing brand and have created a very compelling ad for your audience. In the ad video, you have explained how your brand supports local brands and has hired workers of different communities and ethnicities. Imagine the impact of such a video on a global audience once you have translated it.
Surely, this video will hit the market as soon as it is translated. If initially, your video was in English, merely accurately translating it into Chinese will allow you to cater to Asian audiences. Video marketing is one of the most popular strategies used by most businesses today, when translation is infused with this video marketing strategy, the results are epic.
One thing to make sure of is that you hire video translators from a professional translation services company. It ensures that you get translators who have years of experience working in the field.
How Does Video Translation Elevate Your Business?
One of the biggest benefits that your business gets from video translation is how the reach and access of your business rise in the target market. Not only that, but it becomes easier for the audience to spot your business in the market. The more the audience knows about your business the more likely they are to engage in business with you. It is important to look at the 2024 status of video consumption stats and make your objectives clear. For instance, more than 89% of the consumers wanted to see brand videos to get more clarity on their buying preferences.
Videos are the best way for lead generation for businesses. They have the tendency to turn unqualified leads into qualifying leads. With the trend of YouTube shorts and TikTok videos, businesses form short videos that have a greater ability to get the attention of the audience. Your business can translate videos like how to use some products as well as product unboxing videos.
Translation of such videos allows the audience to know more about your brand and get a first person point of view instead of hearing from others about your brand.
Final Words!
To sum up, video translation is really the way that can grow your business in the global marketplace. Videos can bring qualified leads to your brand that help you generate greater revenue. Translation of videos like unboxing, product usage, and ads bring more audience to your business.